

单词 accede
释义 accede[æk'si:d]vi.1.■同意,答应;依从,应允(申请、条件等)(to):They could do no other than accede to the demands of the victors.他们只好答应得胜者的要求。to accede to the terms of a contract同意一项合同的条款2.■(正式)加入,参加(盟约、协议、党派等)(to):They have acceded to the treaty.他们已经加入了那个条约。3.■开始任职,就职,就任;就位,即位,继任,继承(王位);接受称号(to):When his father died,the prince acceded to the position of head of state.父王去世后,王子继承了国家元首的职位。to accede to the throne即王位4.■【法律】(通过财产的添附而)增加;继承(财产)5.■[古语]接近变形vi.accededacceding




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